Tag: Collateral Source

Tag: Collateral Source

  • The Phantom Damages Elimination Act image

    The Phantom Damages Elimination Act

    Section 1. {Title}.  This Act may be known as the Phantom Damages Elimination Act. Section 2. {Purpose}.  The purpose of this section is to prevent compensatory damage…

  • Truth in Damages Act image

    Truth in Damages Act

    Section 1. {Title} This Act shall be known and may be cited as the Truth in Damages Act. Section 2. {Definitions} The following words, as used in this Act, shall…

  • Elimination of Double Recoveries Act image

    Elimination of Double Recoveries Act

    Summary  ALEC’s model Elimination of Double Recoveries Act allows the admission into evidence of proof of collateral source payments made or likely to be made as compensation for…