Resolution in Support of Reporting Requirements for Public Sector Unions


Currently, public sector unions are not required to adhere to the same reporting requirements as private sector unions. The Resolution In Support of Reporting Requirements for Public Sector Unions calls for legislatures to pass reporting requirements for public sector unions that are similar to requirements for private sector unions.

Resolution in Support of Reporting Requirements for Public Sector Unions

Model Resolution

WHEREAS, private sector unions are required by the Labor Management Disclosure Act (LMDA) to adhere to reporting and disclosure requirements; and

WHEREAS, state and local public sector unions are governed by state and local law and are not required to meet the same requirements under the LMDA; and

WHEREAS, the absence of such requirements results in represented persons not knowing the salaries, benefits, etc. of their so-called “bargaining representatives”; and

WHEREAS, any organization or association of employees, and any agency, employee representation committee, or plan in which employees participate that exists in whole or in part, to advocate on behalf of employees about grievances, labor disputes, wages, rates of pay, hours of employment, or conditions of work could be defined as a union;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the State/Commonwealth of (insert state) supports state legislation that will make public sector unions meet similar reporting requirements as private sector unions are required to meet under the LMDA;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the State/Commonwealth of (insert state) supports federal legislation that requires interstate public sector unions to meet the same reporting required by the LMDA for private sector unions.


Approved by the ALEC Legislative Board June 2007.

Reapproved with amendments by the ALEC Board of Directors on January 28, 2013. 

Reapproved by ALEC Board of Directors on November 16, 2017.